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What Should I Do If My Manager Is Toxic?

By 02.07.2024Blog

What Should I Do If My Manager Is Toxic?Based on Values Value’s internal data, toxic management is one of the common reasons our candidates change jobs. Unfortunately, sometimes it’s the only way. However, if you intend to keep this job, it’s important to understand the nature of toxicity and why it arises.

Perhaps you are a new employee, and your manager doesn’t trust you yet and micromanages you actively. In this case, the best weapon is to complete your tasks well and on time, and to proactively ask any questions that arise.

If your manager is a workaholic who doesn’t understand why you can’t discuss work issues on weekends or during your legal lunch break, it’s important for your mental health to defend your right to work-life balance. Again, if you complete your tasks on time, it will be much harder for them to criticize you on the weekends.

Always ask to have vague dissatisfaction expressed in the form of specific feedback, using the language of numbers, facts, and deadlines.

In difficult cases, you can seek help from HR or a higher-level manager. Here, completed KPIs, tasks, and projects on your side will support you.

Feel free to reach out to us if you’re looking for a job or if you want to get a sense of the job market.


Recruitment Expert

Author Recruitment Expert

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