This time at Value Value we were looking for a Lead Developer for a small startup team that offers a unique combination of esports and gaming with FMCG retail. The...
Calling all Marketing Mavens! Values Value is on the hunt for a rockstar CMO to join our client's A-team. If you're a marketing guru with a passion for building brands...
From 29 of February to 03 of March, the Games Gathering conference will be held in Lviv, Ukraine. We are delighted to announce that our team members will be there...
Hello, this time at Values Value we are looking for an UA Team Lead for our client! About the Employer A company which produces engaging high-end casual mobile games. Founded...
1. Get at least 50 connections: The reason for that is that you won’t even appear visible on recruiters’ searches if you don’t have at least 50 connections. Go try...
This time, at Values Value, we were looking for a Unity developer for a small London-based mobile game studio. The company was hiring in Dnipro, Ukraine or outside of Ukraine...
Brought to you by the official HR partners of the conference, InGameJob and Values Value, the Career Hub offers plenty of options: For job seekers: Upload your CV and get...
If you're not applying for a customer support position, check if the job description includes the word "stress resistance". This could be a sign! :) During the interview, pay attention...
Hello, we at Values Value are looking for an Art Director for our client! About the Employer The world’s first company that connects esports and gaming with FMCG retail. Responsibilities...
This question demonstrates your self-critique and overall adequacy. Therefore, it's not recommended to respond by saying you have no weaknesses :) Everyone has some shortcomings. Show that you are aware...