We are excited to announce that Alina Alekseevska, our COO at Values Value, will be attending the Digital Dragons conference in Krakow from May 19th to May 21st. Alina will...
Our beloved partners from InGame Job are hosting an online-event dedicated to the gamedev specialists’ well-being from 13th to 19th of May! Here is what Katya Sabirova (CEO at InGame...
Yes, it does. That's the short answer. But there are many nuances. Education on a resume is particularly important in the early stages of a career. The more senior a...
Currently, we at Values Value are looking for an experienced Senior/ Lead Technical Artist who will be responsible for forming pipelines, customizing rendering for project needs, conducting performance monitoring and...
This time, Values Value were looking for a Financial Manager/Accountant for a Ukrainian studio that seeks to create the best online MMO Sandbox on mobile devices. They were on the...
Are you an artist in the games industry or aspiring to be one? Join Sasha Kononenko's stream, an experienced recruiter (Values Value) who hires artists of various levels and specialties...
16% of respondents believe that AI will steal their jobs in the future. 26% noted that they accepted a lower position and/or salary when changing jobs in the past year....
Take the survey right now. Click Here! PocketGamer announced our survey with an article recently! Here what they say about it: ”The annual survey provides Values Value and InGame Job...
About a month ago, we (Values Value & InGame Job) launched the Big Games Industry Employment Survey 2024 with the goal of making the games industry more transparent. So far,...
These days at Values Value we are looking for a talented 3D Generalist with a focus on marketing. The specialist will need to create short- and long- form animations to...