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How to Choose Professional Courses in the Game Industry?

By 20.09.2024Blog

How to Choose Professional Courses in the Game Industry?Professionals who are serious about their career development often turn to professional training. But how do you choose the right course? What should you pay attention to? Our friends and partners from Edvice, an educational platform offering courses for professionals in the game industry, share their advice!

How to Choose Professional Courses in the Game Industry?

"Hi everyone! I'm Kristina from Edvice, and with over a decade of experience in education, I’m excited to share my top 3 tips on choosing the right educational provider in today’s fast-paced world, where information evolves in the blink of an eye. My journey has taken me from teaching kids and working in universities to leading major projects in big tech companies — so I know both the ins and outs of creating effective education and the importance of continuous learning".

  • If you’re new to the industry, look for courses that have a well-thought-out methodology and instructional design. A strong structure is essential when you’re diving into a new field. How can you tell if a course is well-designed? Ask direct questions: How was this program developed? Who helped structure the content? How do you accommodate students with different backgrounds and experience levels? This will give you insight into how well the course is tailored for learners like you.
  • If you’re looking to upskill, remember that big names and popular schools don’t always guarantee quality. Take time to dig deeper into the background of your potential instructors. They may have great marketing, but their career journey might not align with your current challenges. You’ll often get more value from educators who have faced the same struggles you’re dealing with now.
  • In both cases, aim for programs that offer full-cycle support — mentorship, challenging homework, detailed feedback, and additional resources. Relying solely on video lessons and occasional webinars won’t give you the in-depth learning you need. Self-learning should be reinforced by continuous guidance and evaluation for maximum impact.

We hope these insights will help you navigate your educational choices and find the best path for your growth!


Recruitment Expert

Author Recruitment Expert

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